Join Our Photo Scavenger Hunt!


Capture at minimum 10 photos of items shown on the scavenger hunt list below.

Photos must be taken at this year’s Rock the Lake and from the Old Field Beach area.

Submit your photos to Facebook or Instagram using #RTL24Hunt and tag @RiseFMOhio to be entered!

Prize winners will be announced at 8:45 PM!

List of Items:

A Bible
Did anyone bring one with them? Screenshots of Bible Apps are not accepted!

The Prayer Cross
No crucifixions today please!

The Rock the Lake Commemorative Shirt
Who’s sportin’ this year’s shirt!?

A Beard
Or a “Crowder-beard” shaped hand fan!

A Boat
Can you stay dry while looking?

A Bird
Try not to get pooped on! Lots of geese and seagulls around!

Disc Golf Basket
Can be found all around the event area!

Food Truck and Food Purchased
Take a picture of the food you bought with the food truck in the background.

Pedro The Unicorn
Our inflatable mascot will be visiting the crowd!

An Autograph from one of Today’s Artists
On a shirt, poster, CD, even your friend’s forehead, we wanna see them!

Sponsor Sign or Logo
Logos for our sponsors shouldn’t be hard to find!

Someone Dancing or Worshipping
Doesn’t matter if they’re a professional or Elaine from Seinfeld!

The Yellow Carpet Interviews
Catch a shot of the Rise staff interviewing today’s artists!

Someone On Stage
An artist, ASL interpreter, a staff member, the camera guy, anyone!

A Non-Food Vendor
Let’s showcase our local non-profit friends in the vendor area.

A Volunteer
A big thanks to our hard working volunteers!

A Selfie with a Rise FM Staff Member
Come find one of us and ask for a cheesy smile!